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Big Sister Program


Shifra & Puah’s Big Sister Connection is a chesed program designed to connect our postpartum moms with local girls.

Receive at least one chesed hour a week for help with playtime, bath, homework, or other tasks you may need.

Are you looking for help with your…
What tasks would you like help with? (Select however many apply)
Each volunteer is available up to 2 hours. How many hours would you like?
What time slot(s) would you prefer? Please select all that apply.
Our volunteers range from age 11 - 17. What ages do you feel comfortable with helping you?
We have some male volunteers from JEC high school. Are you comfortable with a male volunteer?
If necessary, is someone available to drive the volunteer home? (Please select all that apply)

Mazal tov on your new addition. We will follow up with you shortly. If you are giving birth near or during Yom Tov, please reach out to us directly so we can assist you the best way possible. We look forward to nurturing you with tender care!

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